Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


So, you own a business. You have a website. You have social media pages with good content and a good sized following but for some reason your business just gets lost in the chaos of search engine results on platforms like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Your website is found on page 50 of Google’s search results and you need to be on the 1st page. You ask yourself, “how on Gods green Earth do I acomplish this?” The answer is simple – SEO.

SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. Just like Social Media Marketing, SEO is a full time job. SEO is simple in theory and is successfully executed in the long term. There are no short cuts, no hacks or magic spells that will get your website to rank well on search engines from one day to the next.

SEO consists of consistent content creation and publication of original media on all platforms involving your business. Posting content like blogs, vlogs, images and text containing ‘keywords’ or ‘key-phrases’ that have to do with your business, products and services will optimize the search engine results of your web pages.

To get a better understanding of what SEO is, visualize a spiders web and just for examples sake this spider sells sandwiches. Your website is in the middle of that spider web. The more content you publish on the internet the bigger your spider web grows. After consistently posting content about your sandwiches, day after day, month after month, year after year – your spiders web will grow larger than all the other spiders webs who also sell sandwiches. One you have the largest spiders web on the World Wide Web (pun intended) your website will now rank #1 on search engine results.

Red Meat Media offers SEO services for many types of businesses. Hire a professional to take care of your SEO needs. Your business deserves it. More importantly, so do you.

“The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google search.” – Anonymous

Ready to optimize your search engine presence?